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Ice­landic author­i­ties have intro­duced mea­sures to min­i­mize the impact of the COVID-19 pan­demic on film pro­duc­tion in Ice­land. These range from avail­able exemp­tions from tem­po­rary travel restric­tions to mod­i­fied quar­an­tine pro­ce­dures ensur­ing that film crews from abroad can start work from day one in Ice­land.


As of March 18 2021, all those who have been fully vac­ci­nated against COVID-19 will be allowed to travel to Ice­land with­out being sub­ject to bor­der mea­sures, such as test­ing and quar­an­ti­ne. This includes cit­i­zens out­side the

Schen­gens area, such as the UK and the USA.

Oth­er­wise the same rules apply, where arriv­ing pas­sen­gers in Ice­land must pre­sent a neg­a­tive PCR taken within 72 hours of their depar­ture to Ice­land. In addi­tion, arrivals are required to quar­an­tine for 5-6 days and then take another PCR test. The quar­an­tine is lifted when a neg­a­tive result (virus not detect­ed) is obtained from the sec­ond test.

Those who have con­firmed with PCR-test­ing or anti­body test­ing from an EU/EFTA state that they have pre­vi­ously had a COVID-19 infec­tion are exempt from quar­an­ti­ne. All those who pre­sent a valid inter­na­tional vac­ci­na­tion certificate for full vac­ci­na­tion with an approved vac­cine against COVID-19 are exempt.

For the most cur­rent infor­ma­tion on bor­der reg­u­la­tions and pro­ce­dures, please see Ice­land's offi­cial COVID-19 website.

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